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Settling into February

Writer's picture: Sam RoomeSam Roome

A monthly newsletter

Welcome to February and your monthly nudge of positive energy, a communication designed to support and encourage a positive energy shift, allowing you to keep adjusting according to this moment, not feeling let down by lack of achievement of huge goals or deflated by past disappointments.

I encourage you to try new things that welcome new energy. With positive energy the world opens up, our minds feel lighter, our bodies have more to give, we become more open to new possibilities.

As always the second part of my newsletter is an alcohol free space boost, in my biased opinion, the greatest of energy givers!


How do you see a new year? as an expanse of days spread out ahead of you - daunting in their number, overwhelming in the speed at which they pass? Or are you able to generate a level of excitement at the possibilities that each day presents? I am sure you can guess I would love you to take the latter approach as often as you can: view each day as a new opportunity, a blank canvas. Let's widen the scope and take this approach with each new month: learn from the previous month - takeaways, leave behinds and adjustments and then move forward with renewed.... you guessed it ENERGY!


In the UK it is winter now. It is really important to allow yourself to move with the seasons if your body demands it. A British winter can evoke a desire to slow down and hibernate as the nights are longer and the drop in temperature encourages us to seek warmth. New research is beginning to show that we actually do need more sleep in the winter months. So allow yourself to move with the seasons - to sleep more if you have to, not to punish yourself if it feels harder to get up in the morning. Be kind to yourself but also seek out the energy from this particular season by embracing those positive elements - enjoy a slower pace, maybe reading more, connecting with friends in different ways, eating more nourishing foods, hot baths, warm blankets, movies and Maltesers (or maybe that's just me). What do you love about the season? To my amazement I have gone back to my early morning runs after a few months off and I love the feeling of being the only person out in the darkness as house lights gradually turn on as I run past. The silence is so calming. I had taken the darkest months off to allow that rest and recovery and now I am back.


So let's catch up on ourselves and ask again - how do we want this month to look? What elements will be your focus? What will lift your energy? As we move away from what I consider to be a chaotic, unsettling first month of the year let's settle into how we want to do this in February.


Recent wins: take a quick moment to reflect on a few recent wins in the previous month. Some meaningful chats with one of your children, conscious connection with friends, work wins, health wins? Reflecting back and purposefully seeking out positive wins directs your mind to be positively focused. Have you had the opportunity to try anything new in January? a new club, a new habit, a new book, a new hobby, making time for an old hobby even? There is a strong possibility you tried many things in the frenzy that is the new year new life concept. That was me: the green juice in the morning, reigniting my running and journaling habit, no sugar, seeing people I want to see, saying no where warranted, no social media first thing in the morning. I came to the end of the month and reflected: on the face of it I haven't succeeded in all of it by any stretch. I haven't been consistent with most of it in fact, BUT I can see a sense of something emerging. I am starting to see the things that I want to spend my energy on, the things that I could be consistent with going forward. And the running and connection has really come through. So from January what are you seeing emerging that you might like to grab and move forward with?


What I have noticed is that I have embraced some new additions with great enthusiasm! but haven't been so good at ridding the unwanted - the social media and the saying no! This is for me the key this month - I want to make more time and the social media black hole and immediately agreeing to absolutely everything must stop. So my personal takeaways:

  1. My phone will not be the first thing I engage with when I wake up.

  2. I will really pause and consider if I have time for future requests

What do you want to push harder at for February that (hard to admit sometimes) you neglected or even completely forgot in January?


So let's plan for the month by remembering my key four elements from my previous newsletter: 1. non negotiables, 2. eliminations, 3 new focus. 4 key words. Here is a template that I like to use to focus my mind. I often print one out each month. So let's shape February and create something to build our positive energy. If you would like a copy of this template just click here


Lifting those blinkers

On this month's topic of settling in, if you are trying life alcohol free how is that going for you? "Free" for me is the key. In a world where not drinking is often associated with loss, giving up and missing out a simple reframe to "freedom" can change your entire focus. So tell me, what have you gained? Clarity perhaps? more energy? possibly a shift in perspective? If you aren't experiencing these yet it is possible that your mind is still tied up with the loss. If that is the case let's take February as an opportunity to reframe. Notice everything you are gaining from not drinking. Really dig deep and think about all aspects of your life - work interactions, family, physical and mental energy. Is there a renewed confidence emerging as your mindset isn't hampered by the chemical imbalance which can really throw you?

January can be a quiet month socially so perhaps you are nervous about embarking onto the social scene alcohol free. Well having just come back from my second "friends ski trip" alcohol free I can tell you that I missed out on absolutely nothing and had the best time. I wrote a little blog post on the topic recently.

Seriously though, yes it is daunting at first but this is the unknown that's all. It takes time to adapt. There are various blog posts on my website on this topic and I shall continue to talk about it in this monthly space.


As always I would love to hear from you if you are interested in the alcohol free space or positive energy coaching, either for individual or organisation. I offer a free 15 minute clarity call to talk through the best way I can support you. Or take a look at the options below:

  • For my online course click here.   It combines self paced with face to face check ins

  • For 1:1 coaching click here

 Or send me an email:


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On the subject of energy

On the subject of alcohol


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