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Let's normalise the conversation around alcohol

Writer's picture: Sam RoomeSam Roome

A monthly newsletter

Welcome to 2025 and your regular nudge of positive energy, a communication designed to help you stop and think about what you want to focus on this month, what you need to do to gain that positive energy flow.

Try something new, let go of something that doesn't serve you! Don't hold back!  With positive energy the world opens up, our minds feel lighter, our bodies have more to give, we become more open to new possibilities.

Notice I removed the word monthly above. These past few months have been full on! And to write a newsletter on energy when I have been buried under a lap top would be entirely incongruent - counselling chat to not be transparent and true to myself or you.

So here I am in 2025 and want to give you a quick summary of the past few months and why my newsletter dropped of a cliff.

The book

It had been developing over a number of years - observations in sober groups, interactions within coaching sessions and local charity support groups and my own research and alcohol free programs. I became unsettled around some of the messaging for giving up alcohol. A lot of it doesn't mention that it's a highly addictive substance, so entirely understandable that a great many of succumb to its power when we have an "environmental shift" as I call it. Not acknowledging that puts the drinker at fault. My book challenges all of that. It's a hugely positive celebration of what not drinking can offer you. Basically....

If alcohol doesn't suit you it's all good!

Life on the other side is incredible and there is a huge amount of quit lit, social media sites and sober groups to prove it. We just don't see it until we are ready and I want to help you get there if you are interested.

The website

I have a wonderful friend Nikki Maidment who, as a digital marketing expert, and having observed my other amateur website creations, offered to step in and help me do it properly this time. I am thrilled with the results and so grateful for the speedy build. Take a look HERE for further information on my coaching and book.

The book promotion

I have been tinkering with Eventbrite and now have a page to initially promote my book but then to run some talks and possible workshops in the future around not drinking. Here is the Eventbrite link. For companies I can create a private event so message me if interested.

The counselling

I leapt into my Level 3 counselling course and it has been an incredible learning journey and one which I know will boost the work I do around alcohol support. My aim is to combine my coaching and counselling to offer clients a unique and positive experience.

So whilst my focus was all of the above and I am hugely proud of the results it has caused a few personal shortfalls and this is what I would like to focus on moving into 2025.


Losing that compulsive mindset

I was aware I was doing it. I chose to do it. My book project was all consuming and because I also had my work and the desire to support my clients 100% the book stole my mornings. And they got earlier and earlier. Someone on a sober group posted this BBC article can we have an addictive personality?

BBC article
BBC article

 Science would suggest no - there is no evidence. I would agree but I believe I have a compulsive personality. New Finance client - I am all in to get them all organised and up to my speed. New coaching client - I am planning the best potential course of action for our sessions in great detail. Counselling course - I am writing my case study presentation long before it's due. Book - I am doing 3am starts to push it forwards to completion.

It works for me but this time was a little too much. So if, like me, you have that compulsive mindset then how do we find balance? My intention this year is to tap into a few small commitments each day and build on those. If they are small and few I am hoping I won't let them slip through the "lack of self-care" door that I keep leaving open:

  • Longer and more present dog walks - Pepper must have her walks but I don't always enjoy them. I will be more present, in the moment as I walk with her. A little dog therapy goes a long way so they say at my daughter's school where she actually has dog therapy.

  • Reading fiction - this one came highly recommended by my husband. "It's escapism" he said when he found me at my laptop again at 4am. And so for Christmas he bought me ........Hercule Poirot. Of all the books, that one I would not have picked for me. But I see where he is going with it. He knows Poirot was my escapism go to on a Sunday evening - calming and easy to watch so why not! So I will be reading this when the routine begins again next week.

  • Exercise - now that the book is finished I will replace that (not quite so early) morning space with my runs. Again that was my happy place back in 2022 I think it was. I would nip out for a 5km run multiple mornings of the week! I would love to see how far down the high street the street cleaner machine would be and enjoy how empty it was outside at that time.

The power of three and I will leave it there. Yes there is yoga, that never achieved quest to be an expert in meditation, yearning to investigate Buddhism and a lot more on my list but these 3 fill me with quiet confidence.


One thing I did manage to do amongst the crazy work load was pop off to the Troxy in London to see Ryan Holiday live in conversation. He was incredible and I highly recommend if you have the opportunity. From previous newsletters you will know that I love Stoicism and Ryan is the modern Stoic.

This book contains daily wisdoms and I have read it a few times through. This is another of my intentions, to pick up this daily habit again.


I wanted to edit this a little but for now here is the 2024 version so jump in and commit!

  1. Non negotiables - running my 5km 4 times a week (every day ideally but currently feels overwhelming), daily stoic

  2. Eliminations: overthinking

  3. New focus for the month: Me!!! I momentarily lost myself in that last quarter so here's to finding me again. Life will still be busy but I will make "me" more of a priority.

  4. Key words - how do you want to feel What word will be your focus? My words for the year are Gratitude and confidence.

Daily wins: I had neglected my daily journaling but intend to pick that up too. Whether you write it down or verbalise it take time to notice those daily wins as they help change your perspective. However small.

So let's get going into January. If you would like a copy of this template just click here


The Alcohol Free space had a bit of a rebrand to support my book and to support my whole line of thinking around alcohol. Giving up drinking, taking a break, however you frame it - it's an experience. There is huge power in seeing the benefits and that is why I do advocate Dry January but only if you embrace it as a positive experience. How will January be different to other months? Notice the energy you gain, notice the little changes - sleep, focus, desire to do more, relationships - more able to really listen to your partner/ children - that energy and focus can have a real impact.

If you view January as a white knuckle experience, a social life killer, a fun sponge - then it won't work. Well it might work - as in you won't drink in January but it won't work to change your mindset around alcohol. This is a view that society has imposed on our minds but it isn't real so the key is to look beyond that.

Just doing Dry Jan might be your only intention and that is absolutely fine but you could still do it with a hugely positive outlook. That way, if you ever do feel the need to take another, possibly longer, break in the future you have the mindset already good to go.

And if you do want to take it further than January then I can't wait for you to experience the next level sober feeling.

Alcohol free Christmas drinks with my public speaking group
Alcohol free Christmas drinks with my public speaking group


As always I would love to hear from you if you are interested in the Sober Experience or positive energy coaching, either for individual or organisation. Contact details are on my website or contact me at


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