A monthly newsletter

Welcome to June and your monthly nudge of positive energy, a communication designed to help you stop and think what you want to focus on this month, what you need to do to gain that positive energy flow.
Try something new, let go of something that doesn't serve you! Don't hold back! With positive energy the world opens up, our minds feel lighter, our bodies have more to give, we become more open to new possibilities.
Check out the alcohol free boost in the second part of the newsletter!
My first outing with SoulBrite
London was calling for my first speaking gig with soulBrite. This is a collaborative wellbeing platform created by Tal Singh with the idea being to offer a huge and flexible choice of wellbeing initiatives to businesses. I was proud to be able to deliver my message around creating sober spaces within organisations with the aim of removing stigma. My talk prompted an energised Q&A afterwards and that is exactly what my speeches are intended to do. Start that conversation. I was joined by other members of the team discussing offerings such as yoga, parent support, and positive wellbeing among other topics. It was an afternoon full of energy.
Full immersion of body and mind on location

I went away for a weekend in May and enjoyed every minute. I try to go away a couple of times a year with friends. It is tricky to leave my daughter much more than that as she misses me. Each time I go I am able to relax just that little bit more. This time I really noticed my surroundings, I really connected with my friends and I really benefited from that time away. I had 3 cold water swims in the Adriatic and wow that was so good for the soul - the numbing followed by inner calm as your body adjusts. Maybe I will go back to attempting the cold showers. Cold water increases the production of mood-elevating hormones and neurotransmitters including dopamine so they can improve anxiety levels and depression symptoms by effectively changing the brain chemistry. I will report back next month.
Pushing comfort zones
I struggle with this. Routine and sameness can feel comforting, comfortable perhaps. But pushing your comfort zone can do wonders for your mental health so I am trying to do it more. Imposter syndrome lurks outside the comfort zone and this is something I have definitely been battling with these past few months. Trying to move the needle on a topic that is still quite taboo is tough but I will not be disheartened.

And speaking of comfort zones I did my second half marathon of the year in really hot conditions in May, taking myself back to my home county of Berkshire. I am inspired by my brother's drive to keep pushing himself with his own fitness. I am lucky to have him properly back in my life after we have both battled through some difficult family times and the bi-product of seeing more of my bro is me now trying to keep up with him!!! So a shout out to my brother and his best friend in this photo for motivating me and an encouragement to push yourself out of your own comfort zone!
Bracknell half 2024
Getting to know yourself
Passionate about coaching in the alcohol free space I wanted to take it a step further so I am now in the middle of a four year BACP counselling qualification. As part of the course I have been doing a deep dive into my "self" - one of the requirements of becoming a counsellor. This has proved really enlightening and quite exhausting. I really do recommend getting to know yourself. As I explore different areas of myself it has reminded me of a therapy that I really resonate with: Internal family systems and Parts therapy created by Richard Schwartz. Schwartz discusses the fact that we are not mono minded but in fact are made up of many different parts. Sometimes different parts come out as rescuers/ fire fighters when they feel triggered or threatened ( I use this analogy in the alcohol coaching space) and other parts have been deeply routed from childhood experiences. But by looking at ourselves in parts we don't have to feel overwhelm by one particular part or mood - it is just one part of us. I will explore this in later news letters.
So this month I am going to focus on me and what I need as I get to know myself more. Journaling is a fantastic tool for that. If you haven't tried it yet I highly recommend it. I attach a link to my website and some tools around journaling
It's repetitive but I think it's important and if you agree let's go!!! Here are mine.
Non negotiables - calm time, audible, running
Eliminations: procrastination
New focus for the month complete counselling coursework
Key words - how do you want to feel What word will be your focus? My word is focus. I have a lot to do!
Recent wins: as always I ask you to take a quick moment to reflect on a few recent wins in the previous month however small. Focusing on the positive switches the lens through which you view life.

So let's get going into June. If you would like a copy of this template just click here

I trained to become a coach with Andy Ramage and this week he was on the breakfast show with Chris Evans, celebrating Chris 1 year without alcohol. In Chris's words he just feels "calmer". When I talk about being alcohol free I just want to start that dialogue. You just never know who might be listening. If you fancy trying it get in touch. I love to talk about the benefits. I love to help people discover them and I fully acknowledge that everyone has a story, a story of how difficult life might be for them right in this moment. And it's stepping away from that story and into the magic - that's where I can help.
As always I would love to hear from you if you are interested in the alcohol free space or positive energy coaching, either for individual or organisation. I offer a free 15 minute clarity call to talk through the best way I can support you. Or take a look at the options below:
Or send me an email:
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