A monthly newsletter

Welcome to March and your monthly nudge of positive energy, a communication designed to support and encourage a positive energy shift, allowing you to keep adjusting according to this moment, not feeling let down by lack of achievement of huge goals or deflated by past disappointments.
I encourage you to try new things that welcome renewed energy. With positive energy the world opens up, our minds feel lighter, our bodies have more to give, we become more open to new possibilities.
Check out the alcohol free boost in the second part of the newsletter!
I wrote this month's newsletter from Morzine in the French alps. It's my happy place, my place to reset and a place where I can follow the peaceful rhythm of the mountains. This year I have turned the disappointment of warm ski weather into a positive and taken to running, enjoying nature, running along the river, regaining lost strength. In both skiing and running I have allowed tensions to melt away and my mind to clear. I have worked very little this holiday, instead taking full advantage of the break. Life is constantly moving and it can be overwhelming but I am trying to really welcome and enjoy any of the pauses which in turn gives me the strength to welcome the busier weeks. The ebb and flow is so much easier to manage if you don't fight it.
Self employment and parenthood leads to an ever changing calendar. Rather than panic when my diary is full (and for me the panic often comes from the multiple angles from which busyness arrives), I plan to ask myself:
what does this week have to offer?
I will then plan around it so that I can manage all of the elements and make the most of it all. I tell myself :
I will be fully alert for all work meetings, fully creative for my alcohol free courses and coaching session, fully open to my children and the conversations with friends, driven and present for my runs and relaxed for my dog walks.
A positive approach, an acknowledgement that I am busy but an appreciation for all that the busy week entails. There is so much to be positive about if we change the lens and it feels good to say it out loud. Try it with your own week ahead. There will be unexpected challenges and possibly ongoing concerns but if you go in with a positive, grateful viewpoint the results will be more favourable.
So a Sunday evening check in and quick plan of the week can work wonders for calming the Sunday worry mind. And this leads me to my next point that I have been working on .......
Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only robs today of its joy: Leo Buscaglia
In line with my quest to maximise energy, I have been working on my worrying. As a mum to two teens and a nearly teen I have come to realise (late perhaps) that life shifts daily. Today’s alarming focus points will look so different tomorrow So how do I stop wasting the energy on the parental worry?
I am journaling: focusing on the positive, reviewing the day, setting my mindset. This for me is key
An audible distraction - I listen to audible . Your brain can’t focus on worry if it is trying to absorb something else. I have been listening to “A worry free mind” by Carol Kershaw on Audible. I am enjoying being pro active about the worrying and will update you next month on my findings
Exercise - I never regret a run. And now I put no pressure on myself. Pop out for twenty minutes or half an hour. The length of time doesn’t matter. What matters is the effort
A positive mindset can make you so much more resilient. It raises the metaphorical bar.
So let's plan for the month by remembering my key four elements from my first newsletter: 1. non negotiables, 2. eliminations, 3 new focus. 4 key words. I have written out mine for the month ahead.
Non negotiables - daily movement and connection with friends. Each week I will combine the two by planning at least 3 catch ups with friends.
Eliminations For me I will continue with the social media limits. I don't want to give so much time to this energy drain.
New focus for the month Mine will be my 100km running challenge. To reinforce your intention, how will you feel at the end if you achieve it? Pause and really reflect on that.
Key words - how do you want to feel What word will be your focus? For me as Spring emerges in the UK I want to embrace the vibrancy so this is my word. Just saying this word out loud changes my state. Words can be so powerful
Recent wins: as always I ask you to take a quick moment to reflect on a few recent wins in the previous month however small. Focusing on the positive switches the lens through which you view life.

So let's get cracking on March. If you would like a copy of this template just click here

Lifting those blinkers

On this month's topic of finding your rhythm, changing your relationship with alcohol allows you to find an entirely new rhythm, one that is free from a pull to drink. Your mind becomes clear, your thoughts free to roam undisturbed. So you need to fill your mind with something else, make the most of the time that you will gain. Start painting a picture of what life could involve without the pull to drink. It doesn't have to be fancy but it does have to be positive or where is the attraction? Try it - paint that picture. For me this week it was the energy for running in the mountains, the patience while we try to teach our middle child (with the learning difficulties) to ski, the unmasked joy that I experienced as she achieved that goal. I have enjoyed moments of peace, moments of high energy. I have experienced real joy. Clearly no image filter but happy all the same
As always I would love to hear from you if you are interested in the alcohol free space or positive energy coaching, either for individual or organisation. I offer a free 15 minute clarity call to talk through the best way I can support you. Or take a look at the options below:
Or send me an email:
Enjoy my content? Check out my other blog posts
On the subject of energy
On the subject of alcohol
As always I would love to hear from you if you are interested in the alcohol free space or positive energy coaching, either for individual or organisation. I offer a free 15 minute clarity call to talk through the best way I can support you. Or take a look at the options below:
Or send me an email:
Enjoy my content? Check out my blog posts
On the subject of energy
On the subject of alcohol