A monthly newsletter

Welcome to May and your monthly nudge of positive energy, a communication designed to help you stop and think what you want to focus on this month, what you need to do to gain that positive energy flow.
Try something new, let go of something that doesn't serve you! Don't hold back! With positive energy the world opens up, our minds feel lighter, our bodies have more to give, we become more open to new possibilities.
Check out the alcohol free boost in the second part of the newsletter!
In the words of Bear Grylls Fail and try again
I was lucky enough to attend a motivational speech by Bear Grylls at Wembley a few weeks ago. Flanked by a teen who before it began asked me "to not bring him to these kind of things again" - long drive and post rugby match grumps - and my younger daughter who was primed and ready - leaning forward in her seat - ready to see up close the man she avidly watches on TV. We weren't sure what to expect and it turned out to be a combination of Bear responding to a number of pre-sent questions, interspersed with clips of some of his daring dos. A simple format but it was fantastic! Both children (yes both!) were captivated and Tilly bought his motivational children's book that night and finished it in 5 days - reading it in the taxi to school, in bed and at school - this is a first. She struggles to maintain concentration to read normally. So I have to admit this guy is really inspirational to young and old. He certainly has something that really appealed to Tilly. He was authentic and clear in his message and she was ready to hear it. "failure is good!", "failure makes you learn", "don't be afraid to move towards the difficult". She said in the car later that she now understood why I pushed her to try new things.
So how did his message resonate with me?
I realised I am definitely held back by fear of failure. I don't push myself hard enough in my running. I don't push hard enough in a number of the projects I am working on. I always work hard but I definitely have a fear of the unknown and of failure. So I am thinking about that this month as I undertake another half marathon this weekend and as I consider pushing myself at my running club - there is plenty of opportunity for that at this club.
Articulating my message
I channelled Bear at my public speaking club this week. I highly recommend Toastmasters, an international public speaking group that have clubs all over the UK. I am constantly seeking ways to articulate the message that changing your drinking habits can massively enhance your energy both mentally and physically. I tested out a new speech on the group. The feedback was: brave, inspiring, extremely informative (happy with that) , and as a development point "too much information." So I am back to tweaking the points that I think people need to hear. In true Bear format, thinking of what questions people really do want the answers to.
Losing myself in a mining town
I regularly read Ryan Holliday's newsletter on Stoicism. He mentioned a book written by a friend of his - Ghost town living by Brent Underwood. For me it was escapism on my recent runs. It is a fascinating story of a guy who buys a mining town in Death Valley, California - and the pitfalls, challenges, enlightening moments and incredible characters he meets along the way. Something he said about perspective really resonated with me
Makes the hard stuff easier and the easy stuff feel like a gift: Brent Underwood
When do we let the easy stuff really feel like a gift or how often do we actually just let it pass us by? The other day I ran. I was focused on the hill ahead and whether I would push myself to run the whole way up it. It was only when I reversed the route that I realised I had been running downhill when I was looking at the uphill. I didn't even notice it.
So this month I am going to try to relish in the positive moments more and not just psyche myself up for the harder times! And I really recommend getting lost in an audible book as a way of escape. I love my dog walks with my headphones in getting lost in a book.

It's repetitive but I think it's important and if you agree let's go!!! Here are mine.
Non negotiables - running, yin yoga (great for running), journalling
Eliminations: procrastination
New focus for the month complete a new project I am working on
Key words - how do you want to feel What word will be your focus? My word is clarity. I have been feeling stressed of late. I am trying to take time out and clear my mind.
Recent wins: as always I ask you to take a quick moment to reflect on a few recent wins in the previous month however small. Focusing on the positive switches the lens through which you view life.

So let's get going into May. If you would like a copy of this template just click here

The Bear Grylls speech resonated with my alcohol work in so many ways. If he wasn't so busy with his other commitments I would say he could be a spokesperson for the sober world! The concept of never giving up and not fearing the unknown is such a useful one here. So if you are on this adventure with me try channelling that positive spirit and see where it takes you.
And take a look at my local off license embracing alcohol free drinks! I was so impressed
As always I would love to hear from you if you are interested in the alcohol free space or positive energy coaching, either for individual or organisation. I offer a free 15 minute clarity call to talk through the best way I can support you. Or take a look at the options below:
Or send me an email:
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