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RE THINKING ALCOHOL rediscovering energy

a six week self paced online program

Is there any possibility you are trading a massive chunk of your life for the brief period of alcohol "feel good" and sometimes not even that? 

My online program has been designed to support and help you build a path forward, a path away from feeling compelled to drink and towards the positive energy that will flow when you stop or cut back. What if I was to tell you now that the feeling of "not drinking" can be really quite magical, that life can have more energy, more colour?  I understand you might not agree right now.  That is why I want to lead you through 6 weeks of learning with support along the way.  We can uncover it together.


"But what will I GAIN?"

How is the support structured?

There are many different support avenues on my program


Initial call

1:1 optional pre course session to discuss your individual situation (additional charge for monthly subscription)


Weekly zoom drop ins

These are entirely optional and are there to offer you connection and answer questions

Daily learning

A daily email link to a new lesson will be sent in readable and audible format.  There are 42 days of learning that are unlocked a day at a time.  You can repeat any of the previous days work as often as you like


Homework tasks

Daily action point to allow you to keep the momentum going

Image by Behnam Norouzi

Access for a year

Most people's journeys are not linear.  The year long access gives you time

The different program options


  • 6 week program via online platform

  • 1:1 optional initial zoom

  • Daily learning

  • Access for 12 months

  • Weekly zoom drop ins for 12 months


  • 6 week program via online platform

  • 1:1 optional initial zoom

  • Daily learning

  • Access for 12 months

  • Weekly zoom drop ins for 12 months

#3 1:1 COACH

Providing you access to the online program plus 5 x 1:1 sessions (spread across twelve weeks if preferred)







  • Online package

  • 5 x 1:1 sessions

  • Inclusion in daily accountability whatsapp broadcast for first 6 weeks. Motivational messages to hold you accountable

The additional package elements will be paid for separately to allow you the flexibility to choose either add on at a later date

"But what will I LOSE?"

Is this program for you?


Is alcohol really serving you?


Does something feel not quite right with your drinking habits?


Is alcohol zapping your energy?


Would you like to understand the impact alcohol might be having on you?


Do you fancy a challenge, a new adventure?



We will look honestly at what you are really gaining from alcohol right now

About me

Hi I am Sam and I am a coach and alcohol free mentor

A word from my clients

I am now almost 100 days alcohol free and life is so much better

I learned different ways to approach social situations as a newly alcohol free person

The benefit is widespread across my family and work life


My partner highlighted that my drinking was becoming more frequent


I have realised this week that attitude is everything (towards change)



I have reduced my units from 100 to 25 per week on average and alcohol is no longer dominating my thoughts

Find out more and sign up

or book a clarity call or drop me an email to have your questions answers

My blog

Sharing wellbeing and alcohol free tips and stories to add to the adventure
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