
. Supporting people to take positive steps in their lives has been a passion of mine since June 2020 when I decided to take a permanent break from alcohol, qualify as a coach with the International Coaching Federation and continue to develop my learning around the mind and brain. My name is Sam and I am a sober coach and positive energy coach
It's all about energy
In my coaching practice: through courses, workshops and 1:1 sessions my focus is on energy and I have put this concept at the centre of it all. Throughout every aspect of my personal self development journey I have always been drawn to the concept of energy; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
During my adulthood I found that energy drain was so prominent. Trying to juggle work and children and be moderately successful at both seemed such a monumental task.
When I decided to remove alcohol entirely in 2020 I noticed such a profound transformation in my outlook on life. The positive psychology tools that I then adopted in self development allowed me to turn all of the experiences I had been carrying around from childhood and my adult life on their head. The impact was so monumental for me that I knew I wanted to make it my mission to support others to find those same breakthroughs.
A positive approach
Combining positive psycology tools with my own personal experience of changing energy flows I have created programs and workshops that focus on energy levels. My alcohol free programs follow the exact same approach.
My alcohol free programs
As a coach I take a forward looking approach to your situation. We discuss the past in so much as to learn what triggers you but the sweet spot is in the future: in visualising that life where alcohol does not take the starring role. My six week program takes you through a progressive journey, building your strength and positive energy daily.