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The power of journaling

Demistifying the journal

It is a habit we are told has huge benefits for our mental health. Daily journalling, but many of us are still mystified by what it actually involves or have already written off the idea due to pre conceptions of the bore of having  to write your life story each day.


So if you  have never poised your pen over a fresh lined sheet of paper, if you have never felt the positivity flow from another quick journaling session, then I urge you to read on…


I have been journaling for 3 years now. I have been through so many books – each one I shred afterwards – this might give you a clue as to the mindset behind the process.  For me it is just that - a process.  I don't need to keep the books to read at a later date.  It is a cathartic daily habit.


Starting the flow of positivity


The purpose of journaling for me is to start a flow of positivity, to extract the positives out of my day. We are wired to focus on the negative and indeed, after a difficult day, you naturally reflect on all of those tricky elements but what if you picked three positives things from your day- the smile from your daughter, the up beat conversation with your son, the warm sunlight . And that is just how the journal entry begins.  It's as simple as that 


Reducing anxiety

Reducing anxiety through reflection

Following the three positives writing an overall reflection on the day can reduce anxiety – the process of writing through your day reduces anxiety


Your value statements

Some call them affirmations, others statements. The idea here is to reflect on how you intend to live each day so there is a repetitive element to this piece.


A goal to keep focus

Whether it is a physical goal or behavioural goal, a short or medium term goal setting can give you an anchor point in the future


Use journaling to challenge negative thoughts 


Science backed
Some of the science-backed benefits of journaling include reduced stress, increased mental clarity, and a greater ability to self-reflect. IT really is medicine for the soul

Image by Aaron Burden

The three positives

If you don't want to start with journalling why not try with a daily habit of 3 positives. This is such a powerful thing to do each day.  Either mentally find them or write them down.  As simple as a quiet moment to enjoy a cup of tea.  The simpler the better.  



Positivity attracts positivity

It's incredible and it really is true.  If you approach situations with a positive mindset people respond in the same manner.   You attract a positive response.  People are more inclined to help and support you.  Try it! Note down the positives and see how you feel

Monthly tempate

Demistifying the journal

It is a habit we are told has huge benefits for our mental health. Daily journalling, but many of us are still mystified by what it actually involves or have already written off the idea due to pre conceptions of the bore of having  to write your life story each day.


So if you  have never poised your pen over a fresh lined sheet of paper, if you have never felt the positivity flow from another quick journaling session, then I urge you to read on…


I have been journaling for 3 years now. I have been through so many books – each one I shred afterwards – this might give you a clue as to the mindset behind the process.  For me it is just that - a process.  I don't need to keep the books to read at a later date.  It is a cathartic daily habit.


Starting the flow of positivity


The purpose of journaling for me is to start a flow of positivity, to extract the positives out of my day. We are wired to focus on the negative and indeed, after a difficult day, you naturally reflect on all of those tricky elements but what if you picked three positives things from your day- the smile from your daughter, the up beat conversation with your son, the warm sunlight . And that is just how the journal entry begins.  It's as simple as that 


Reducing anxiety

Reducing anxiety through reflection

Following the three positives writing an overall reflection on the day can reduce anxiety – the process of writing through your day reduces anxiety


Your value statements

Some call them affirmations, others statements. The idea here is to reflect on how you intend to live each day so there is a repetitive element to this piece.


A goal to keep focus

Whether it is a physical goal or behavioural goal, a short or medium term goal setting can give you an anchor point in the future


Use journaling to challenge negative thoughts 


Science backed
Some of the science-backed benefits of journaling include reduced stress, increased mental clarity, and a greater ability to self-reflect. IT really is medicine for the soul


The three positives

If you don't want to start with journalling why not try with a daily habit of 3 positives. This is such a powerful thing to do each day.  Either mentally find them or write them down.  As simple as a quiet moment to enjoy a cup of tea.  The simpler the better.  



Positivity attracts positivity

It's incredible and it really is true.  If you approach situations with a positive mindset people respond in the same manner.   You attract a positive response.  People are more inclined to help and support you.  Try it! Note down the positives and see how you feel

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